2022 was one of the best years of my life.
My goals were as follows:
- Be promoted at work
- Buy a house
- Actually improve at golf
- Maintain my fitness
All of this has been achieved in my opinion.
Promotion at work kind of happened through changing jobs and going to a role with more responsibility at Mr Yum.
Buying a house happened in early April. I couldn't have done this without all of Emma's help. She was amazing at researching and getting us to inspections.
Actually improving at golf has happened slowly. I played a fair bit of golf and had lessons. I still have a pretty high handicap of 23.1
but I'm at a good club (Patterson River) and I'm slowly figuring things about my swing out.
I've maintained my fitness. I do need to get back into the swing of things and run more regularly (or cycle) but I definitely haven't completely thrown fitness out the window and just played golf.
This year I'd like to:
- Get promoted at work, aim to be on the verge of becoming "senior" at the end of the year
- Train Boots as best I can, take him to obedience school, make him a good dog, be active with him
- Work on this blog, get more email subscribers, try and make $50-100 a week from it via membership or ads
- Get even better at golf, aim for a 10 handicap
- Improve the house even more, work on making the backyard great
- Get involved more in the community, dog related things, sports coaching, music
I think these goals are much more aspirational than what I've written up in past years but I think it's all attainable with some hard work.
Work is something that will be hard to measure. There's some interesting initiatives that are in the pipeline at Mr Yum that I'm keen to see through. Hopefully at the end of these projects I'll be one of the key people who understand how the system works and how it needs to be maintained going forward.
Training Boots is just making sure we're working on something everyday. He will be naughty as he's a pup but we just need to keep at it.
I enjoy writing and working on blog posts. Actually earning some income from it might be pretty tricky but there are proven ways to do it.
Getting better at golf (10 handicap) will mean lots and lots of practise and hours at the golf course.
In terms of improving the house; maintaining the lawn is important to me. I have a list of things to buy from Bunnings and just general improvements I'd like to do to the garden beds. I'd also like to hang up a basketball ring.
Getting more involved in the community has a few different pathways but there's some good options listed.
Let's see how we go. Bring on 2023.