Thanks for reading my newsletter ❤️. This edition was delivered on Monday, January 29, 2024.

Monday, January 29, 2024


Amazing from the Windies. It was also a belting Test match in India with England getting across the line.

The sad reality is that Shamar Joseph will get a big fat T20 contract now and may not play test cricket for long.

Dandenong Market

Me and Emma went to the Dandenong Market on Saturday and bought all of this for $53.

It really is a throwback to a proper "old style" Melbourne market with heaps of different fruit and vegetable grocers shouting their prices at you. The had a nice variety of plants and awesome street food choices.

Royal Rumble

No surprises from the Rumble and Cody Rhodes as a winner makes a lot of sense.

CM Punk looked a little bit slow but I guess that's just his style of wrestling. He'll probably look a lot better in a 1v1 match with a proper build.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Vision Pro

There's some huge value proposition in the sports entertainment space for Vision Pro.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Klopp Leaves

Klopp is such a class act.

Hopefully he goes out with Liverpool at the top.

One Row

This is a fun little remix of PacMan.

Marias Tomatoes

Our next door neighbour has a beautiful vegetable garden.

She was showing me and Emma her tomato plant last week and it had these huge thick tomatoes growing off it. They were basically the same size as what you see at the supermarket.

She said that she just used seeds from a fully grown tomato that she already had.

It seems like it's a bit of a process to do this but it might be worth trying this November instead of just using the small tomato plant from Bunnings.

Thursday, January 25, 2024


This is huge news for the WWE.

The fans want two things:

  1. Two hour shows with no ads
  2. TV-14 rating so we can get some swearing and more interesting content

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Owning 2 Border Collies

Me and Emma have been minding Tilly for the last two weeks. I just wanted to list all the things both Boots and Till are afraid of. What I mean by afraid is whenever these items are utilised or nearby the dogs will go crazy and start barking.

Starting off with Boots he's afraid of:

  • Microwaves
  • TVs
  • Brooms (sweeping)
  • Possums
  • Glad Wrap

Till is afraid of:

  • Fans
  • Washing machines
  • Hoses (when watering the garden)
  • Golf clubs (when I swing the club in the back yard)
  • Other dogs
  • Brooms (sweeping)
  • Windscreen wipers
  • Scooters, skateboards and bikes
  • Trams
  • Hugs (she tries to attack me when I hug Emma)

So you can imagine what our lives are like right now. But we still love them both so much.

Rings Of Power

Ooofff this isn't looking good if it's real.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Pops Watch

This is my pops watch. It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever received as a gift.

Mechanical watches have this sense of timelessness and purpose to them. When I wear it I have to wind it and set it to the right time. The whole mechanism of how they work seems so amazing.

I'm hopeful I can one day pass it down to my own children.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Stardew Valley Update

I continue to think Stardew Valley is a masterful game. I've played it for many hours.

I'm now at a point where I feel a bit burnt out from playing it. My farm is doing well and there's nothing else urgent for me to accomplish. I guess this is a common thing with these sorts of games where there's no definitive end. You sort of get to a point and within yourself you have to realise that you're done.

I might come back to it at some point.

For now I'm going to play a bit of Hogwarts Legacy which I got on the Switch for Christmas.


If I could set this up perfectly in my shed that would be really cool.

Seems like it misreads driver at times but with irons it's decently solid which is promising.