Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Owning 2 Border Collies

Me and Emma have been minding Tilly for the last two weeks. I just wanted to list all the things both Boots and Till are afraid of. What I mean by afraid is whenever these items are utilised or nearby the dogs will go crazy and start barking.

Starting off with Boots he's afraid of:

  • Microwaves
  • TVs
  • Brooms (sweeping)
  • Possums
  • Glad Wrap

Till is afraid of:

  • Fans
  • Washing machines
  • Hoses (when watering the garden)
  • Golf clubs (when I swing the club in the back yard)
  • Other dogs
  • Brooms (sweeping)
  • Windscreen wipers
  • Scooters, skateboards and bikes
  • Trams
  • Hugs (she tries to attack me when I hug Emma)

So you can imagine what our lives are like right now. But we still love them both so much.