Sunday, May 19, 2024

Setting Up Fresh Expo Project

This weekend I got COVID which wasn't ideal.

To kill some time and learn some stuff for work I made a little iOS app with React Native and Expo.

These were the steps I took to initialise a new project and setup some basic UI:

  1. Install a blank Expo project
npx create-expo-app tamagui-test --template blank
  1. Install all the dependencies needed for React
npx expo install react-dom react-native-web @expo/metro-runtime
  1. Install TypeScript
npm install --save-dev typescript @types/react @types/react-native
  1. Add a tsconfig.json to make TypeScript work, see in repo

  2. Install tamagui which I used for all of the UI and layout, follow this guide for the extra steps in terms of setup

npm install tamagui

From this starting point I could build out an app.

I enjoyed using tamagui as it was fairly flexible and let me change the built in components quite easily.