Boots breeder is having another litter of pups. This is the ad they have on DogzOnline.
There's some things we can learn from this description.
I live in a rural environment on 30 acres in Central Gippsland, Vic and keep rare breeds of sheep and poultry. My dogs have the important task of keeping the foxes away. The dogs each have a large paddock to run in and make full use of it. No doormats here!
Maybe Boots is so possum orientated at night because his mum and dad had to protect the farm from foxes.
So me and Emma are the rare sheep and poultry and the possums are the foxes.
My dogs all have very gentle natures and are excellent with the Grandkids. I do not tolerate any aggression.
Boots has so far shown a good temperament. He's only had one naughty act towards a smaller dog.
My dogs excel at obedience training. My pups would be ideal candidates for any dog sport chosen.
He is pretty damn good at obedience class with limited training.