Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Recording My Synth To My Mac

I haven't played my Yamaha Reface CS synth in ages but for some reason last week I dusted it off and had a tinker.

Boots chewed the power cable about a year ago (when he was in his super naughty puppy phase) so it's batteries only power wise for now.

I wanted to do a quick post on how it all works with my Mac when I play.

The synth itself has the basic knobs like an oscillator, cutoff, envelope, LFO and a few different effects. It's nothing fancy but it works well in my opinion.

I can then connect it up to my Mac via the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 which I've had for many years now. It's a solid little audio interface.

I plug two 1/4" cables into the left and right outputs of the synth and then plug the other ends into inputs 1 and 2 in the Focusrite.

I then plug the Focusrite into my Mac via old school USB. This sends the audio signal to the Mac and also powers the Focusrite.

I can then start up Logic Pro and loop some sounds together. I'm no expert but I usually just play 4 looping bars with the metronome so everything stays relatively in sync. I can play a little bit of chords, melody and bass and sometimes it sounds cool.