Saturday, December 2, 2023

My Tech Stack

After a bit of research in the past couple of days I'm come to a conclusion of a new tech stack that I like. Here are the details:

  1. bun runtime, TypeScript for all source code
  2. Using ElysiaJS for the server and routing
  3. Render HTML on server, use JSX for templating, use the React renderToString function to convert JSX to HTML
  4. A single index.tsx for server logic, have a pages directory for templates
  5. Styling is done with Tailwind
  6. Use htmx for any interactivity that's needed
  7. Run sqlite in cloud compute and locally, use the bun:sqlite standard library and write raw SQL to query
  8. Use cookies and sessions for auth
  9. Use cloud compute and nginx for deployment
  10. Run prettier to format code

This repo is a great "starter" to initialise with all of these settings ready to go.