Sunday, November 19, 2023

Some Ocarina Of Time Thoughts

Playing through The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has been a really enjoyable experience. Some thoughts:

  1. The world is full of interesting characters
  2. The z targeting and attack controls are very dated, but you do get used to it, it feels too stiff and not responsive enough, it leads to making mistakes
  3. The transition from kid to adult Link is amazing, the visuals when you come out of the Temple of Time and the world is completely messed up is really cool
  4. The game is hard, solving some of the puzzles require a lot of tries or reading a guide
  5. The graphics are rough, 3D graphics were just coming into usage in 1998, amazing how much progress developers made in such a short time, games in 2003 were much more fully realised in terms of the 3D