Sunday, September 17, 2023

E-Bikes In New York City

Yesterday me and Emma used Citi Bike for the first time. We rode across most of the western side of Central Park and then looped back to the eastern side to go to the MET. It was my favourite New York City activity so far (my second favourite was eating at Rosetta Pizza).

The Citi Bike app is basically Lyft skinned as a bike app which works well. There are hundreds of stations all around New York. It really does feel like you're always not far from a bike docking station.

For a 35 minute bike ride yesterday we spent $15.08. Expensive in Australian terms but for New York City actually not terrible pricing. You also have the option to do a flat rate of $19 if you want to do a whole day of biking.

The e-bikes are also pretty decent. They display the range of the battery so you always know how much charge you have left. They also go fast; much faster than any rental e-bike (or e-scooter) I've used before.

When riding through Central Park is really was a game of cat and mouse trying to dodge all the runners, pedestrians and slow bike riders. It's such a beautiful place where you fly through a tunnel of trees and feel like you're not in the city anymore. When we rode bikes yesterday it was also the absolute perfect temperature for biking sitting around 25 degrees with no wind.

The whole experience makes me want an e-bike for back home but I probably wouldn't use it much.