Friday, May 12, 2023

Boots Weird Quirks

Boots is an amazing dog. He's also living a very good life with 2 mainly work from home owners.

There's just two things he does that drive me and Emma bonkers.

The first is a fixation on the microwave. Every time we use the microwave, let alone go near it, Boots will start barking like mad and whine at the sound of it. We're not sure what triggered this behaviour. Out of the blue he just started being crazy about the damn microwave.

When we load items in or get items out of the microwave he'll try to bite the door and jumps right up to where the microwave is in the pantry.

Maybe changing microwaves might help as he might not like the sound of it? Maybe moving it to another part of the kitchen?

We've tried coaxing him away from the microwave whilst it's on with treats but this doesn't seem to work. We've also tried telling him off which he usually responds to but this also doesn't seem to change his behaviour.

His second weird quirk is going bonkers at the TV when it changes between apps on the Apple TV. Just when I'm browsing Kayo to select the show I want to watch he goes nuts. As soon as the TV is actually showing content he relaxes.

This behaviour is slightly less concerning that the microwave but annoying none the less.