Been watching this video trying to understand some more concepts for driver.
Firstly he talks about a catapult motion where you cock your wrists.
As you cock the wrists down you should rise the lead shoulder. When he was practising this he was flicking the ground. This is all for speed improvements.
Then he moves to controlling this catapult motion and squaring the face.
He uses the box drill for this. Basically the box is side on to where the wall is teed up.
The shaft of the club is fully touching the box on impact with the ball. At setup the club is leaning away from the box.
Here's some images to demonstrate this:
- Setup with box
- Impact and setup with box
- Impact with box
Lastly, he demonstrates the feel you should have when setting up without the box. This feel is for when you actually hit the ball on the downswing.
You can see in the image below that:
- The shaft is a bit more forward
- There's pressure on the lead side
When hitting you should still have the same catapult motion where you cock the wrists.