Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Twilight 1

Played well today. I think it was the first twilight I got points on every hole.

Driver and 7 iron were working well after practice this week.

If I can make these clubs basically automatic and find myself in play even after not a great strike it's going to help me so much.

I was 50 though 9. There were a few holes where I could have gained strokes.

1: bad tee shot, good putts, better tee shot and can make a 5 here, on a downwind day 2 7 irons can get there
2: bad tee shot, good chip too get back in play
3: solid play
4: solid play, maybe a slightly better position after the 3rd shot, more on the right could have helped
5: great play
6: great play
7: could have hit an 8-9 iron to be more on the front left of the hole, tough to get up and down when in the valley
8: solid play
9: solid play

You can see here I really only had 2 bad holes (1 and 2).

Overall the par 3's weren't great but I got bit unlucky as tee shots just drifted wide.

I also missed a couple of easy putts.

With the same strategy I'm probably capable of ~46 on the front 9 especially if some putts fall.