Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Bonbeach Race 2023

As some of you may know I've been planning to have a race in Bonbeach for some time.

Here's the official details.

Date: 28th January 2023 (Hottest 100 Saturday)

Time: This will be weather dependent.

  • Option 1, if the weather is above 30, 8AM
  • Option 2, if the weather is sitting somewhere between 20-30, 11AM

Note that if the weather is cooler than 20 we will consider cancelling the swim leg of the race. In this case the race will start at 11AM.

Race details: Follow along with the race map.

The race will start in the driveway of my place (16 Breeze Street, Bonbeach). We'll make our way to the beach along Breeze Street, cutting across the railway line on Nepean Highway and down The Glade.

Once we get to the beach we swim 500 metres out to the yellow buoy and back.

Once back on dry land we run along the beach to Patterson River. We then run along the river trail cutting back onto The Fairway before the final straight of Breeze Street.

Post race: If we're commencing at 8AM there will be a post race breakfast cook up. On the menu will be bacon, eggs, hash browns and orange juice. We'll also order coffees from the cafe down the street.

If we're commencing at 11AM we'll do a classic BBQ. On the menu will be sausages, burgers and salads.

Regardless of time I'm sure we'll all be keen for a couple of frothy's and potentially listen to some opening songs from the hottest 100 countdown.


Do I have to race?

No. Happy for you to chill at my place during the race or come for post race celebrations. You won't be able to drink beers though.

Do I have to swim?

Yes (if you want to be in the race). However, swimming will be highly dependent on the conditions of Port Phillip bay. You'll be easily able to breaststroke out and back and potentially walk some of the way. We'll also have someone watching the water in case you need assistance.

Can I donate to a charity?

Donating to a charity is something I think would be really cool to do.

I'll ask for some amount of money (maybe $20) to enter into the race. This entry fee will be donated to a charity we all agree upon.

I'll post more details about this closer to the event.