Thursday, October 27, 2022

Blog Updates

Happy with how my updates to the blog I've been working on in the last few weeks have turned out.

Firstly, the archive page is now sorted into posts by month. I decided to stuff all the posts into a <details> element related to the month it was written.

The details element was super simple to use. It would have required some JavaScript prior to the element being implemented. It's good to see browsers implementing features like this.

I also now have a .length call on the posts array to count the number of posts I've written for the month. Hopefully this keeps me accountable to keep up my writing.

Secondly, I've updated the music page to progressively load images correctly. The setup involved creating smaller images that load blurred versions of themselves until the larger image loads.

The guide that I followed is here which boils down to using an onload on the larger image.