Sunday, May 1, 2022

Swing Thoughts

Here's some things to think about when hitting certain golf clubs:

  • Long game clubs (all)

    • Correct grip
    • Left arm extended
    • Right arm right angled
    • Slow on the back swing and get your arms in the correct position
    • Hit on an arc, think about arc at golf lesson
    • Left knee bend, move hips through down swing
  • Long game clubs (driver)

    • Hands low
    • Ball at left ankle
    • Hit up on ball, sweep through it
    • Left shoulder higher than right, tilt right shoulder downwards
    • Slightly wider stance
    • Don't have to tee ball up too high, medium height is fine
  • Long game clubs (5 iron - 7 iron)

    • Hands slightly lower
    • Ball slightly in front of center of feet
    • Hit in front of ball, leave divot
    • Slightly sweep through it, don't have to hit as much down
    • Don't bother hitting anything lower than a 5 iron right now
  • Long game clubs (8 iron - pitching wedge)

    • Hands in comfortable position
    • Ball at center of feet
    • Hit in front of ball, leave divot
    • Hit down on it, no sweep
  • Short game clubs (sand wedge)

    • Ball slightly more towards right ankle
    • Can stand very close to the ball, feel like you're very over it
    • Choose to hit high or hit low, if hitting high open up the face and aim left
    • Think about elevation of green, aim based on that