I've enjoyed most of playing through Pokemon Brilliant Diamond. A couple of thoughts:
- It's very much a traditional Pokemon game in terms of story which I enjoy as I haven't experienced it in a long time
- It's decently hard in terms of battles, I've struggled with the Elite Four and in a couple of other trainer battles across the game, you need some strategy, this is my team right now
and I still can't beat the champion Cynthia
- Exp. Share makes leveling up weak Pokemon easy
- The pause menu sometimes feels weirdly sluggish when using a joystick
- Attack animations in battles can be frustratingly slow, I want them to be there but I'd like the movements to feel more natural, especially for things like
Attack rose sharply
- The underground tunnels are kind of weird
- Pokemon found in wild grass or caves are generally very boring and repetitive, the game should have all the Pokemon from every generation and just generally have more variety in terms of encounters, you hit way too many Zubat's and Geodude's in caves