This was the article that I shared for our 99 blog post club. I think it's a great read and has quite a few points that I resonate with. Julia Evans is such a great writer.
how I go from "I’m confused" to "ok, I get it!"
This emphasises that you can't just read; you need to actually apply knowledge. As an example, making a little toy app project to try something out like gqlgen
. Maybe you do a talk on a topic you've just learnt about. Maybe you fix a bug and the fix utilises this new knowledge.
connect new facts to information you already know
This one is really relevant as it's what I've been doing this year. When I've been learning Go, TypeScript and GraphQL I've tried to apply these concepts to what I already knew about building apps with Ruby and JavaScript.
An example: thinking about how fetch requests talk to a REST API vs using something like Apollo Client to talk to a GraphQL API.
yes / no questions
This technique is something I 100% subscribe to. Instead of asking broad questions you ask basic yes/no questions. This ensures that the person answering questions doesn't go off on a tangent that adds no value and makes the person asking the questions more confused.
With yes/no you're in power.