Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Passive Income

The wage I'm currently on at 99designs is great and I'm very lucky to be doing what I do however I'd love to be earning a little more.

My current plan is to try and use some of my coding bootcamp skills to tutor those keen to become junior developers. This is why I'm launching Melbourne Coding Bootcamp Tutor. It's a pretty lame name I know but just wanted something plain and simple.

The problem I face right now is finding clients. I'm wondering if Google will index my site when someone searches for:

Melbourne coding bootcamp

I presume they will but I should also think about other channels apart from organic web searches.

As far as I see it these are my options:

  1. Reach out to Coder Academy
  2. Publish something in the general Slack channels I'm in

I think reaching out to Coder Academy is viable as I'm not trying to steal their students. I'm working around their bootcamp and providing a service that prepares students for the course or nurtures them after they've graduated.