Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Rss Clients Can Be Weird

After playing with RSS feeds all weekend I came to a couple of conclusions once my tinkering was done. They are:

  1. Editing and deleting posts doesn't effect what you see in a client
  2. Some RSS feed readers don't update properly until you pay for premium

I've now moved to the Reeder RSS client and have been enjoying it so far. It has built in iCloud RSS syncing so you don't need to use a third party service like Feedly which is refreshingly simple. That's probably one of the biggest things that holds RSS back is that it's still quite techie to get things setup. Reeder simplifies that process pretty well!

I'm also culling all of my feeds and having as few as possible. I think this is the way to approach RSS. I had all of my favourite YouTube feeds in my previous RSS client NetNewsWire but it was too overwhelming. I think YouTube is best suited in the web app. That's something that you just need to accept with it.