Monday, July 26, 2021

Best Way To Talk To Tech Lead

For reading club this week we read an article on talking to tech leads.

I liked the section on standup's and how generally you won't communicate any blockers. You usually just move on. It's also common not to communicate with your tech lead when you find a solution to something but it's going to take a lot longer than what the lead anticipated in planning.

The recommendation is to change the wording from blockers to red flags in stand ups.

A red flag is anything that’s going to slow you down

Some other common themes from stand ups is:

Most people want to sound impressive during their standup. They want to say, "Look at all this stuff I got done yesterday! Look at how awesome I am." Resist that temptation, and instead focus on how you can accelerate the work ahead.

Some other themes to come out of the article:

  • Proactive communication with a tech lead is important. Just reach out on Slack.
  • When you sit down with your tech lead approach technical conversations with repeat and summarise. That helps the tech lead know you understand what they're telling you. They often have more context on the problem and a potential solution.