Thanks for reading my newsletter ❤️. This edition was delivered on Monday, February 26, 2024.

Monday, February 26, 2024


A bad landing page looks like this — Zoom, 6 MB

Yes, this is just a landing page. No app, no functionality, no calls. 6 MB of JavaScript just for that.

You can do a lot worse, though — Gitlab, 13 MB:

I have no idea how this can happen. There's a lot of worse examples too.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Boots has a new nickname: Doggodile.

He's a mixture of a crocodile and a dog.


What a random app to release. I'm hoping when it comes to Australia there's a direct connection to Kayo.

Also are Apple making money from the sports betting companies by showing odds? That seems weird.


Why is it always New Zealand in the heart breaking losses?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Ice Palace

I'm now 70% of the way though a Link to the Past and it's living up to expectations.

The Ice Temple even with a guide was extremely challenging. Just glad I got to the end.


Loved the way this video was done. The history of Fujifilm is fascinating especially how they were the only company in film, cameras and lenses.

It's a pipe dream but I would love to own this camera one day.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Jon Rahm On

The series of videos the Bryan Bros have done with Jon Rahm are absolutely awesome. The hole out from Grant on the first is so cool.


Super interesting read.

From the beginning I made some core decisions that the company has had to stick to, for better or worse, these past four years. This post will list some of the major decisions made and if I endorse them for your startup, or if I regret them and advise you to pick something else.

Some of the regrets that stand out to me are:

  • Managing post mortems in datadog or pager duty
  • Multiple applications sharing a database
  • Not using open telemetry early

We're shifting to a model where we no longer have a big shared database which I think is good. I also somewhat agree with the post-mortems thoughts but I'm not sure what the better way is. I'm a little confused with the open telemetry one as I don't have a lot of exposure to the tool. He also wasn't a fan of Datadog for their use case so it's interesting that this was a regret.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Half A

This is so dumb. Monash and Glen Eira council need to sort it out.