Thanks for reading my newsletter ❤️. This edition was delivered on Monday, November 25, 2024.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

This is one of the most fun web projects I've seen in a while. Such a simple idea:

Between 2009 and 2012, iPhones had a built-in "Send to YouTube" button in the Photos app. Many of these uploads kept their default IMG_XXXX filenames, creating a time capsule of raw, unedited moments from random lives.

Inspired by Ben Wallace, I made a bot that crawled YouTube and found 5 million of these videos! Watch them below, ordered randomly.


What an absolute joke Apple's laptop line become for a while and then bounced back so hard with the introduction of M1.

This seems like a handy app to have especially when travelling.

The developer has a bunch of apps that seem worth checking out to be honest!

Some Random Thoughts

I wrote this yesterday sitting by the creek pictured below:

Truely unwinding is taking an afternoon nap in a camping chair with my shirt off in the shade listening to the sounds of running water and bird noises

It's being disconnected from the network so you can't be an iPad kid and watch YouTube and Tiktok all day


I did this hike over the weekend and it was fantastic. It had some pretty tricky rock scrambling sections which really got the heart pumping. The view from the top of the peak was fantastic. We had such a beautiful clear day and we went pretty early so it wasn't too hot.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


I'm going to buy this.

This is a very good deal.