Thanks for reading my newsletter ❤️. This edition was delivered on Monday, July 8, 2024.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Winters Day In The Dandenongs

Me, Emma and Boots headed up to the Dandenong's on Saturday.

It was a cold day but perfect for a nice walk and some lunch at the pub.

We went to the Old Olinda Golf Course which is now a giant off leash dog area. It was cool seeing the layout of the course given that many of the holes had massive gradient and slope changes down the fairway.

Boots had an amazing time running, sniffing and chasing after sticks. We also went down a bit of a trail that connects to the park.

We then went to the Micawber Tavern where we enjoyed an elite parma and some Guinness.

A perfect day out!

Sunday, July 7, 2024


Celtics Shaq in the friendship group is 100% a correct analogy.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Next Golf Goal

I've been playing some solid golf lately. I'm now an 18.5 handicap which means I'm officially a bogey golfer.

Some of my new goals are as follows:

  • Break 85 in an 18 hole round
  • Break 40 in a 9 hole round
  • Continue to drop my handicap and aim for 15
  • Play more aggressively but not silly, irons off the tee on a lot of par 4s work really well
  • Work on driver accuracy, try to be in more fairways but solid contact alone is often good enough
  • Keep working on chipping, this has improved a lot lately

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Play All Beatles

This guy is brilliant to be able to record and play literally the entire catalog of Beatles songs. It's a joy to listen to and shows off some serious talent.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


The 1904 marathon has to go down as the wackiest sporting event of all time.

Athletes drank poison, dodged traffic, stole peaches and even hitchhiked during the 24.85-mile race in St. Louis

Monday, July 1, 2024

Animal Well

I've played though the start of Animal Well this week. I have some thoughts:

  • It's a very creative Metroidvania, I like that there's not really combat it's all puzzle based
  • The items you get to solve the puzzles are fun and weird
  • The art style is stunning
  • The game runs fast, when you transition between screens it's instantaneous and just generally animations are fluid
  • Big Mode and videogamedunkey are doing some great work as a studio, I'm happy to support publishers like this
  • There's no tutorials, you just play and have to intuit what to do
  • Arlo's spoiler free review video is a good one, he talks about how the world is a delight to traverse though which I wholeheartedly agree with
  • One thing that I love about this game is how water looks and sounds, it really has this beautiful realistic feel to it, same applies to the smoke effects as well, the game was built with its own custom engine so I guess this makes sense as to why these kind of aspects are so unique