Boots Names

This is a list of all the names Boots has been called:

  1. Little Prince
  2. Regal
  3. Regality
  4. Peking Duck
  5. Artefactimus
  6. Dobby
  7. SeƱor Boots
  8. Lazy and Greedy
  9. Curious George
  10. Microwaveable Dog
  11. TV Dog
  12. Bootsly
  13. Camomile
  14. Bad Things
  15. Little Chewer
  16. Bruiser
  17. Sir Poop-a-lot
  18. Little Cat
  19. Little Fatty
  20. Sack of Potatoes
  21. Goopy
  22. Baby Gorgeous
  23. Cartoon Based Dog