Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Tech Decisions#cep.dev

Super interesting read.

From the beginning I made some core decisions that the company has had to stick to, for better or worse, these past four years. This post will list some of the major decisions made and if I endorse them for your startup, or if I regret them and advise you to pick something else.

Some of the regrets that stand out to me are:

  • Managing post mortems in datadog or pager duty
  • Multiple applications sharing a database
  • Not using open telemetry early

We're shifting to a model where we no longer have a big shared database which I think is good. I also somewhat agree with the post-mortems thoughts but I'm not sure what the better way is. I'm a little confused with the open telemetry one as I don't have a lot of exposure to the tool. He also wasn't a fan of Datadog for their use case so it's interesting that this was a regret.