Tuesday, November 7, 2023


This speaks to me as it's something that I think could truely work.

But in terms of philosophy and vision, I’m all for it. RSS remains incredibly vital to what I do, and its potential as both a reading AND a writing platform remains untapped. You can write using your own tool and broadcast it everywhere. And Dave’s right: this worked for podcasts (the phrase "anywhere you get your podcasts!" is a great advertisement for interoperability breaking any single platform’s dominance), it worked for blogs, and it can work for this strange multimodal thing we’ve created called social media. It worked for the world wide web! And I will be ride or die for the open web until my life comes to an end.

I want there to be a similar ecosystem to podcasting but for text.

I also want to make it easier for my friends and family to see what we're all reading and writing about.